My First Book 4 - Amazing Circus (3+)

My First Book 4 - Amazing Circus (3+)


The show is about to begin. Let’s welcome the crew! My first book - Amazing Circus, with delicate design and tailor, the circus has been made with plenty of different shows and performances, with rich scenes and various details that are linked to one another, to create a dreamy, joyful, wonderful circus for young readers. 

My first book - Amazing Circus is also a book that tries to let children learn to narrate. Children’s narrative ability tends to increase with age, experience, and knowledge and it in the processing of chronological order, spatial order, logic and relationship. The book breaks down the performances into different scenes, allowing children to participate in the joyful games, interacting with their parents - describing and the logical relationships between space, time, order, and the subtle growth of knowledge in the games.

Designed for 3-6 years old kids. The set includes one cloth book and one waterproof backpack as shown in the photo. All materials are non-toxic and are safe to use children.

Recommended age 3-6 years old.

由蒙特梭利老師編輯創作,風靡全球的早教布書My First Book,以趣味十足的場景帶入各種互動性操作,發展小朋友認知,訓練小肌肉和手眼協調,動手又動腦。My first book 在海外市場多國上架,通過了最為嚴苛的美國/歐洲/日本兒童玩具測試,安全可靠。香港零售價格,為全球至低, 包括一本布書和一個防水背包。

$ 549
My First Book 4 - Amazing Circus (3+)
$ 549
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